The Ultimate Summer Slush!

Finally the long awaited summer air breeze closing in, and the treacherous school days ending. I can’t believe that summer is already here! And you know what that means right? Endless summer barbecues and parties. However, you don’t want to show up to a party empty handed right? SO  what better way to kick off the summer and also impress your friends with a little fun DIY project? Today I (youtube) shall be showing you guys a video made by Mark Rober about how to create the ULTIMATE WATERMELON SLUSH, and the best part about this is that it’s all 100% real watermelon!

So there are a couple of things that you will need for this project, but DO NOT WORRY most of it will be common household items. First ,obviously, you’re going to need a  watermelon,  plastic cup, a pair of sizzors, a knife, a drill, and a close hanger.

5 Easy Steps

1) First, you’re going to want to cut out about a dime size square on the watermelon.

2) Next, attach the close hanger and adjust it to fit inside the drill and is able to fit inside the hole of the watermelon.

3) Once everything is set and locked in place, drill out the inside of the watermelon as if you were blending the watermelon up on the inside.

4) Then once the inside of the watermelon is “slushified” take out the drill and cut your plastic cup in half. Next, cut the sides of the hole according to how big the plastic cup is and once that is completed fit the cup inside the hole as if it were a spout.

5) Finally you are completed with your watermelon slushy party box! If you wan’t to go crazy just slice the bottom of the watermelon to give it a base to hold itself upon. You could design however you like the watermelon to be and I promise you that all of your friends will be impressed with your work. This project should only take about 10-15 minutes at most if everything is done right. It’s really as easy as it looks. By doing this project there is no need to go out and spend money on expensive slushies and drink. Also, lemonade can get boring at times so why not shake things up with something exciting and new?!

I hope your summer turns out as great as this watermelon slushy readers! #HAGS



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