Good Mythical Morning!

I recently got myself addicted to watching this youtube channel called Good Mythical Morning. It’s basically like a talk show with 2 hosts (Rhett and Link) talking about the most random and weird news they find on the interweb. I know that this isn’t anything special because there are tons of other comedic talk shows just as these, but something about their personalities and speaking styles captures my full attention (unlike the other talk shows I find boring). However, they not only talk about world news, but they do crazy challenges and sometimes gross challenges as well such as eating bugs, ghost peppers, crazy DIY hair experiments and much more!


Not only do I find this extremely funny and interesting, but also very educational as well! Usually whenever I see talk shows talking about the news and “world-wide issues” my boredom reaches it’s climax. However, on Good Mythical Morning it’s entertainment that not only I look forward to everyday, but is a huge stress reliever from my every day life. One of my most favorite episode on their channel is the DIY experiment. These guys are absolutely nuts and what better way to explain to you guys than to show you what I am talking about!

This is just one of the many insane videos that these guys create. What’s crazy is that they have been best friends since the FIRST GRADE (talk about commitment huh?). They not only are the hosts to Good Mythical Morning, but they also have been featured in and on Conan, NPR, USA Today, and Ad Age amongst others. Recently they had their own show on IFC chronicling the production of comedic local commercials, Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings. They have worked with McDonalds, Coke, Gillette, Denny’s, and Alka-Seltzer to create high-quality branded content.

PicMonkey Collage RHETT AND LINK

I HIGHLY recommend checking these guys out because they’re simple awesome.

Check out their youtube @

Check out their website @

Until Next time readers!



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